HiawathaZ XSLT rendering layer for Zope
08:44, 5 Jan 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Paul Tchistopolskii has announced HiawathaZ for Zope, the first iteration of an XML/XSLT renderer.

In this first release, only minimal support for XML/XSLT with no caching is provided, using the Fourthought 4XSLT engine. Paul writes:

Next versions of HiawathaZ will provide incremental rendering with dtml | xslt | dtml chaining and some other cool stuff.

HiawathaZ is the start of a port of Tchistopolskii's Hiawatha-Java, a standalone web server with support for XML, XSL, and XSLScript. He has frozen development on Hiawatha-Java in order to concentrate on implementing the platform in Python using Zope.

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