epcEdit version 0.92 (beta 3) released
09:10, 3 Jan 2001 UTC | Michael Smith

Version 0.92 of the Tcl/Tk-based epcEdit SGML/XML editor application has been released, adding "alpha" support for WYSIWYG editing of CALS and OASIS Exchange Table Model tables.

CALS and its OASIS Exchange subset are the table models employed in the widely used DocBook DTD, as well as in other DTDs.

The list of changes for the version 0.92 release indicates that "support for HTML tables will be added later."

Other epcEdit features include:

  • automatic population of browsable lists of valid ID values for attributes whose type is IDREF, such as DocBook's linkend and endterm attributes (screenshot)
  • support for creating per-DTD non-standard (non-CSS, non-XSL, non-FOSI) stylesheets for controlling character formatting (font, font size, color, bold, italic), indentation, and line breaking during on-screen editing
  • support for SGML Open catalogs
  • "alpha" support for drag-and-drop of selected text and elements
  • Unicode (UTF-8) support
  • versions for Windows, Linux, and (currently only version 0.91) Solaris
  • TkSGML, a shared library/API that can be used to create custom applications

A fully featured version of epcEdit 0.92 is available for download and use through April 30, 2001.

epcEdit is commercial software, with a planned version 1.0 release date of February 28, 2001. Pricing has been announced, ranging from 99 EUR for an "academic and private use" license for the "wrapped" (no TkSGML) version to 449 EUR for a commercial license for the "professional" (TkSGML included) version.

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