DOM test suite tests Adobe SVG, MSXML 3
08:29, 14 Dec 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

The xmlconf project has released a modified version of NIST's DOM test suite for ECMAScript, adding support for testing of Adobe's SVG Viewer, Xerces-COM and MSXML 3.

Announced by Curt Arnold, the test suite must be run against Internet Explorer 5 or later. Arnold notes that tests against the HTML DOM have been removed from this suite. He also notes the somewhat ironic fact that

The original NIST version depended on a decent number of MSXML-isms, most significantly that the XML declaration was represented as an ProcessingInstruction node. The PI tests have been rewritten to use a true PI added to the test files.

The tests can be downloaded from Arnold's web site, checked out of the xmlconf CVS, or run online from the xmlconf site (the SVG tests won't run online).

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