Perl API for RDF storage
08:01, 6 Nov 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Alberto Reggiori has announced RDFStore, a Perl implementation of Melnik's draft Java API for RDF.

The author writes that using Perl ties, a user can access RDF triplets using normal perl hashes, offering a very simple interface to the data. Both in-memory storage and filesystem storage is supported, the latter using Berkeley DB. Reggiori has also included an example remote storage daemon written in C, à la that offered by Guha's rdfdb.

Reggiori's system also includes its own parsers:

The input RDF files are being parsed and processed by using a streaming SiRPAC like parser completely written in Perl. Such an implementation includes most of the proposed bug fixes and updates ... A strawman parser for a simplified syntax proposed by Jonathan Borden, Jason Diamond and Dan Connolly is also included. By using the Sablotron XSLT engine is then possible to easily tranform XML documents to RDF and query them from the Perl language.

Other features include basic RDF Schema support. RDFStore 0.1 is available from Reggiori's site, and will also be uploaded to CPAN.

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