SVG Candidate Recommendation updated
14:08, 3 Nov 2000 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

Chris Lilley announced the release of an updated Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Candidate Recommendation.

Lilley describes the new CR as:

"incorporating eratta, bugfixes and clarifications resulting from implementatation and usage feedback received to date"

A list of changes is available.

The prospects of SVG's moving forward look good. The Status section of the new CR notes that:

"The Candidate Recommendation review period ends when there exists at least one SVG implementation which passes each of the Basic Effectivity (BE) tests in the SVG test suite. The implementation status of SVG is already very good, and at this point, most of the test are passed by one or multiple implementations, but as yet the exit criteria have not been met. It is anticipated that implementation status will be such that the exit criteria will be met in approximately one month."

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