A first release for Redfoot
13:51, 16 Oct 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

James Tauber announced Redfoot 0.90, the first release of a framework for distributed RDF-based applications, written in Python.

This release include most of the basic stones of the framework:

  • an RDF database
  • a query API for RDF with numerous higher-level query functions
  • an RDF parser and serializer
  • a simple HTTP server providing a web interface for viewing and editing RDF
  • the beginnings of a peer-to-peer architecture for communication between different RDF databases

Redfoot is shipped with eikeon's Bare Naked HTTP server and a set of tests and examples. The installation is straightforward (unpack, set your PYTHONPATH, run and enjoy) and you can immediately browse over the triples loaded from an example file.

The next developments to come are:

  • a full peer-to-peer architecture for discovery of RDF statements
  • an inference engine
  • a fully customizable UI
  • connectors for mapping non-RDF data into RDF triples
  • sample applications built on top of Redfoot

Redfoot is developed by James Tauber and Daniel Krech and is available on Source Forge under a BSD licence.

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