GNOME libxml 2.2.0 released
12:11, 17 Jul 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Daniel Veillard has announced release 2.2.0 of libxml, the XML C library that is one of the core components of the GNOME project.

Mentioning XML as one of its "cutting edge technologies", GNOME relies heavily on libxml--both for its desktop and for the GNOME Office project, for which XML is a native format.

Although the link is strong enough to allow Veillard to call libxml "a.k.a. gnome-xml", libxml can be used as a portable standalone C library. It includes a SAX and DOM parser, supporting DTD validation, I18N features, file compression and an HTML parser.

The new release includes portability fixes, a better encoding support, and bug fixes.

Veillard says he is now:

working on HTML and XML links recognition layers, get in touch with me if you want to test those.

Re: GNOME libxml 2.2.0 released (kim seun dae - 01:43, 7 May 2002)

get test..

Re: GNOME libxml 2.2.0 released (Ashish Narayan - 13:15, 10 May 2001)

This is great

Re: GNOME libxml 2.2.0 released (Amir - 14:21, 2 May 2001)

where can i download dis libxml-2.2.0

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