Presentations from XML DevCon online
06:56, 3 Jul 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Simon St.Laurent has posted transcripts of his presentations made last week during XML DevCon 2000 in New York, including sessions on interoperability, schemas, and XML for small projects and organizations.

  • XML's Interoperability Problems: Not as easy as it seems: Describes the complexities of changing parsers or supporting XML parsers which may not support the exact set of features you've used. The problems described are internal to the XML and the Namespaces specs, not the general problem of shared semantics.

  • XML for Small Projects and Small Organizations: Suggests that XML has as much use for small projects as for giant world-conquering ones, and that smaller organizations may benefit from its opening up integration that used to be proprietary.

  • XML Schemas: Needed Rules for XML Documents: An overview of Schemas, for the most part, with a very few examples. Not a full-blown tutorial, but a general guide to features.

See also's coverage of XML/HTTP messaging and WAP sessions from the same conference.

(St.Laurent is a contributing editor to xmlhack).

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