Promising Future for SVG
10:26, 17 Jun 2000 UTC | Leigh Dodds

Speaking at the Graphics Track at XML Europe 2000 Chris Lilley, Chair of the SVG Working Group, believed that the next phase for SVG looked promising, and commented briefly on the SVG test suite.

Lilley explained that the Working Group are currently writing up a response to comments gathered during the second Last Call.. He confirmed that there would be no new functionality in the specification, and described the current efforts as 'polishing' up the design.

Pointing out that there is already strong implementation support for the standard, Lilley observed that the Candidate Recommendation stage would be 'promising'. The availability of a conformance test suite should benefit the specification during the next stages in the standardisation process.

Lilley noted that while the present conformance suite covers all the SVG functionality it does not do so in great depth. A more detailed version of the suite, which includes drill-down tests for all available options, is being developed.

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