New draft of the ebXML Technical Architecture Specification
13:07, 31 May 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

The ebXML Technical Architecture Team, whose goal is "to develop the technical architecture that will encompass ebXML and commit the architecture to paper", announced version 0.6 of its specification draft.

The ebXML Technical Architecture Specification "contains the design rules, recommendations and infrastructure for ebXML v1.0".

This document provides a high level view on the core ebXML infrastructure, including the distributed repositories system, which will enable the retrieval of semantic information needed to deal with unknown trading partners, and the transport, routing and packaging architecture.

Several known issues are documented in the draft, on which comments from the XML community are welcome.

Comments should be posted on the ebXML Technical Architecture List: ebXML-Architecture@lists.oasis-open.org. The intial comment period lasts two weeks, starting May 29th.

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