Transforming RDF and attribute namespace qualification
05:11, 6 May 2000 UTC | Gabe Beged-Dov

Dan Connolly recently described his efforts to transform RDF/XML to a simpler syntax using XSLT.

Dan has written an XSLT stylesheet that recognizes a subset of the RDF/XML syntax and converts it to a simple triple format. Using XSLT allows quick prototyping of what various possible output formats of an RDF parser could be. The stylesheet doesn't yet handle collections, reified statements or the parseType attribute.

Dan also noted the inconsistent handling of RDF attributes with respect to namespace qualification. This topic has come up many times over the last few years but is still not resolved. Dan originally brought it up earlier on in his work on the parser. Chris Waterson (of the Mozilla Project) asked about the issue again as a result of a bug that Edd Dumbill filed against the RDF parser in Mozilla. After some discussion, there was loose consensus that was summed up in a message from Dan Connolly where he proposed that both qualified and unqualified RDF attributes on RDF elements should be treated the same. The separate question of whether RDF attributes on non-RDF elements need to be qualified was overwhelmingly answered with a yes.

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