W3C advances investigation of XML protocols
10:56, 12 Apr 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

The Layered Object Transport Protocol document, presented by Eric Prud'hommeaux as "the LOTP toy I've been playing with", is a follow-up to the XML protocols comparison matrix announced last month.

Prud'hommeaux describes LOTP as:

LOTP is still in experimental stages. It may evolved into an deployed generalized XML protocol or it may be used as a learning experience for designing another protocol. It is drawn largely from SOAP and I'd like to see the LOTP advantages ported back to SOAP. I use a separate name and namespace for the LOTP protocol to prevent collisions with the current SOAP protocol.

He invites feedback to be given on his discussions page and indicates that the subject of XML Protocols "appears to have turned into my day job" at the W3C.

This announcement comes as part of an evaluation process by the W3C to determine whether to commence an Activity on XML protocols.

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