HLink working draft arrives
16:22, 13 Sep 2002 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

The HTML Working Group has published an initial Working Draft of HLink: Link Recognition for the XHTML Family, offering an answer to looming questions about the role of linking in XHTML.


"provides XHTML Family Members with the ability to specify which attributes of elements represent Hyperlinks, and how those hyperlinks should be traversed, and extends XLink use to a wider class of languages than those restricted to the syntactic style allowed by XLink."

HLink addresses a wide range of conflicts between the style of linking that XLink mandates and existing XHTML practice, and also provides a generic approach to permitting the resolution of such conflicts in any XHTML (or perhaps XML) context.

Steven Pemberton, HTML Working Group chair, described a variety of situations where the XLink approach may not be optimal. Norm Walsh previously summarized a number of issues around XLink. Discussion of these issues has appeared on a number of forums, including xml-dev, www-html, www-forms, and www-tag.

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Re: HLink working draft arrives (Lars Marius Garshol - 19:05, 18 Sep 2002)
Oh, dear. Why not just do architectural forms with a similar syntax (dedicated elements describing t ...
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