Xalan2-J 2.4.0 released
08:14, 4 Sep 2002 UTC | Michael Smith

The Apache XML Project have released version 2.4.0 of the Xalan2-Java XSLT processor. Along with bug fixes and performance improvements, this release also includes some major feature enhancements.

The list of enhancements includes:

  • support for EXSLT extensions

  • improvements to the extensions mechanism

  • tested against the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.1 and 1.2 TCK test suites (and passed all tests not on the exclude list)

  • now uses a list of supported encodings in a properties file (org.apache.xalan.serialize.Encodings.properties)

  • separation of source and messages for better localization

  • bundles version 2.1.0 of the Xerces2 Java Parser

  • XSLTC version changed to 1.2

The Xalan2-Java XSLT processor is an implementation of the Transformation API for XML (TrAX), which is designed to provide developers with a modular framework and a single standard API for performing XML transformations.

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