Tutorial: Cocoon 2: Build database-driven sites
01:46, 31 May 2002 UTC | Michael Smith

Leigh Dodds has written a tutorial on using Apache Cocoon 2 to generate and publish XML and HTML content based on database data.

Apache Cocoon 2 is an open-source XML publishing framework that can interact with a variety of data sources (including filesystems, RDBMS, LDAP, native XML databases, and network-based data sources) and deliver content in a variety of formats (including HTML, WML, PDF, SVG, and RTF).

The tutorial, which is the third part of a series of tutorials that also includes Introducing Cocoon 2 and Working with XML Server Pages, covers:

  • Configuring and managing JDBC connection pools for use in Cocoon 2 applications
  • Selecting data from databases and publishing it as XML using XML Server Pages
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting data
  • Configuring Cocoon 2 to carry out form validation on user-submitted data

Note: Dodds is an xmlhack contributing editor.

Re: Tutorial: Cocoon 2: Build database-driven sites (Frank - 17:35, 14 May 2003)

Further reading here http://www.apache-stuff.com/cocoon.html on this Cocoon Tutorial.

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