Jena team prototype an RDF API protocol
18:18, 26 Mar 2002 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Andy Seaborne has announced the first beta release of an open source RDF server for the Jena Java RDF toolkit, prototyping an RDF network API.

Resourcefully pursuing the J* naming convention, Joseki provides both a client API and server for updating and querying RDF models. The server element can either be standalone, used in an application server or embedded into a custom program.

Writing that "the protocol is general so other clients or servers could be written", Seaborne outlines the two operations of the API:

  • Update(modelURI, triples to delete, triple to add)
  • Query(modelURI, query) -> results

Comments, suggestions and questions should be sent to the jena-dev mailing list.

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