First beta of Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 available
17:48, 5 Sep 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

The third version of Adobe's SVG viewer is available for testing, adding support for more SVG features and new platforms including Windows XP and MacOS X.

Improved SVG support includes implementation of color-profile, marker, title, and view, full support for switch, support for the requiredFeatures and systemLanguage attributes.

Further CSS support includes implementation of the color-profile, marker, marker-end, marker-mid, marker-start properties, the @media CSS rule and the media attribute for style elements. Improved DOM support includes implementation of the SVGMatrix class.

On the SVG developers' mailing list, Michael Bierman announced the release and highlighted other new features:

Adobe SVG Viewer now has its own built-in script engine. This allows self-contained JavaScript scripts to run inside of SVG files embedded in hosts which don't support a bridge between plug-ins and the host script engine, including Internet Explorer on the Mac.

The Windows ActiveX control may now be invoked in a transparent mode which allows you to overlay SVG on top of other web page content. To invoke Adobe SVG Viewer in this mode, add the attribute wmode="transparent" to the embed tag.

Added the ability to save as compressed SVG (.svgz).

Full release notes are available from Adobe, unfortunately in PDF format only.

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