New CSS3 Fonts Module
13:38, 1 Aug 2001 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

The W3C has released an initial Working Draft of CSS3 module: Fonts, extending CSS2 font properties with decoration features.

In large part a modularization of the existing CSS2 font section, the draft adds font decoration properties.

Font decorations involve the use of features which are tightly bound to a particular font:

"Font decoration properties describes decoration that affect the rendering of fonts. Although similar in principle to the text-decoration properties, they differ by being close related to the font and glyphs they influence. For example, the shape of the font emphasis which is a decoration widely used in East Asian typography will vary upon the font on which it is applied."

The decoration properties include font-effect for engraved, embossed, or outline text, font-smooth for anti-aliasing, and the font-emphasize, font-emphasize-style, and font-emphasis-position for emphasis marks.

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