Topologi releases free Schematron Validator
18:12, 28 Jun 2001 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

Rick Jelliffe announced a free Windows-based Schematron Validator from Topologi.

The Validator provides a graphic interface to Schematron, making it easier to work with Schematron validation interactively. It also supports W3C XML Schema and DTD validation.

Jelliffe notes that the tool offers many levels of functionality:

"The user interface supports validation of multiple files, and store/recall of locations to allow validation of chains of transformations.... The tool is highly reconfigurable. It also provides XSLT transformations, and the automatic generation of Topic Maps and RDF (beta). It allows simple editing and a variety of different viewers, including text, single-pane web-browser and double-pane web-browser."

In addition to the software, the tool includes sample Schematron schemas:

"The Topologi Schematron Validator comes with schemas for CALS tables, NITF, QAML, RDDL, RDF, RSS, Schematron, SOAP, SMIL, XHTML WAI, WSDL, XLink and XTM."

Registration is required. Documentation and screen shots are also available.

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