Toolkit for NewsML
09:47, 27 Jun 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Reuters have released NewsML Toolkit v1.0, developed in conjunction with David Megginson, to assist in creating applications for the NewsML news publishing framework.

The open source toolkit, licensed under the LGPL, is a set of Java classes that aid the accessing and manipulation of NewsML documents. It requires an installed XML parser, such as Apache Xerces, to run.

The toolkit contains a set of interfaces for accessing NewsML, and an implementation of them based on the DOM. Complementary tools to be released by Reuters in the future include a conformance checking tool, which provides logical validation above and beyond that provided by a DTD, and an application level toolkit, which according to Reuters will "allow the user to pose queries from a news perspective and 'prune' NewsItems in order to keep only selected content."

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