New Perl XML modules
00:05, 12 Jun 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Recently released Perl modules for processing XML include XML::XSLT::Wrapper and XML::SAXDriver::CSV.

XML::XSLT::Wrapper provides a unified interface from Perl to a variety of XSLT processors. Release 0.32 brings speedups, passing of input either as a string or as a filename, and various bugfixes. Also included is a driver for running the XSLTMark XSLT processor speed tests, with which the author, Colin Muller, reports an overhead of only about 1% incurred by Perl while wrapping the GNOME libxml. The module is available from CPAN and the author's own web site.

XML::SAXDriver::CSV transforms comma-separated-value data into XML by means of providing a SAX input stream of parse events. In this it improves over the XML::CSV module by not creating an internal data structure, and therefore is more suited to processing large files and situations where the user requires more control over the XML that is created. XML::SAXDriver::CSV is available from CPAN.

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