Test Those Transforms!
11:22, 27 Apr 2001 UTC | Leigh Dodds

Eric van der Vlist has announced the initial alpha release of XSLTunit, an open source framework for testing XSLT transformations.

The XSLTunit framework, itself implemented using XSLT, allows assertions to be made about the results of a transformation, generating a XML unit test report in the process. The assert, assertEqual, and assertNotEqual operations will be instantly familiar to developers who have previously used unit testing frameworks such as JUnit.

In his announcement, van der Vlist notes that he was inspired by the Extreme Programming (XP) "test first" technique, and was keen to demonstrate that this could be applied to development of XSLT transformations.

XSLTunit follows the same principle of simple design with great power demonstrated by van der Vlist's previous development Examplotron, and Rick Jelliffe's Schematron. All three applications demonstrate the strength of XSLT in manipulating XML documents in increasingly novel ways

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