New XSLT Standard Library (XSLTSL) requests participation
13:06, 4 Apr 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Steve Ball has announced the XSLT Standard Library, a SourceForge hosted open source project to develop a "collection of commonly-used templates written purely in XSLT".

The initial release (0.1) available on the project site comes with two libraries with templates to process strings and datetimes, placing the XSLT Standard Library well ahead of the XSLlib announced more than one year ago that seems deeply idle since end of May 2000.

XSLTSL insists on engineering standards that include indentation, naming, DocBook documentation and test suites:

In order to maintain a high engineering standard, all modules and contributions to the xsltsl project must adhere to the following coding and documentation standards. Submissions which do not meet (or exceed) this standard will not be accepted.

Contributions (meeting these standards and published under a LGPL license) are welcome.

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