W3C XML Schema PR revised
09:36, 3 Apr 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Two weeks after its publication, the W3C XML Schema Proposed Recommendation has been updated to restore the name of the "number" datatype to its previous value of "decimal".

This change is the only modification brought by this revision:

Note: this version of this Proposed Recommendation replaces that published on 16 March 2001. The only change from that draft is that the type there called 'number' is here renamed 'decimal'. This type was called 'decimal' up until the draft of 16 March 2001, so this change simply restores the original name of this type.

Henry Thompson has immediately announced updated releases of his validation tool XSV and conversion utility XSU that are compatible with the new revision, although the online versions do not appear to have been updated yet.

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