Perl bindings for GNOME XSLT processor
09:19, 15 Mar 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Matt Sergeant has released Perl bindings for the XSLT processor in Daniel Veillard's GNOME libxml, reporting significant performance advantage over Sablotron.

Sergeant writes that his XML::LibXSLT offers performance and usability enhancements over XML::Sablotron:

One bonus of XML::LibXSLT over XML::Sablotron is it creates a generic Stylesheet object, on which you call transform() passing in a XML::LibXML::Document object. So it should be faster on multiple transformations using the same stylesheet.

XML::LibXSLT and XML::LibXML also wraps the XML parser from the GNOME library. XML::LibXSLT 0.94, the latest beta release, is available from and all good CPAN outlets.

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