Contributing to xmlhack

Editorial process

xmlhack is run by an editorial team who spend time identifying issues of interest in XML, and presenting them in an informative and concise manner.

A key aim of ours is to reflect the XML community, and as part of this we welcome contributions from readers, whether long or short.

Please read on to find out how you can contribute. All contributions should be sent via email to


If you maintain, sell, or are just very interested in XML software or other services, then please send us release announcements.

Ensure that you include at least a URL where interested readers can find out more.


One of xmlhack's aims is to help understanding of XML technologies and issues. If you would like to contribute an essay, then please get in touch with us in order to discuss it.

Book reviews

The XML book market is growing. We will be presenting reader reviews of XML books to help developers find the right book for their purposes.

Publishers and authors, please contact Edd Dumbill to discuss reviews.


If you are hiring, or are an open-source project looking for team members, then we'd love to publicise those opportunities.


If there's something in the XML world that you think others ought to know about, and it doesn't fit into any of the above, send it to us anyway!

Please note

We reserve the right to edit, or decline to publish, submissions at the discretion of our editors.

In submitting material to be published on xmlhack you consent to xmlhack using your submission for publication on the web site; and you agree to indemnify xmlhack against any legal action arising from publication of your submission.

xmlhack: developer news from the XML community

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