Love-hate relationships with XML
17:18, 28 Dec 2000 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

Two sites which both embrace XML and criticize its flaws have appeared in the last few weeks and

Both sites feature articles exploring the underside of XML, and encourage community comment. XML Bastard warns:

"If you "like" XML, you probably shouldn't read anything here. If you "love" XML, then you'll probably understand where we're coming from. Don't get us wrong... We love XML, but namespaces are evil, and RDF makes most people's head hurt."

In the Welcome to XMLSuck message, Paul Tchistopolskii notes that:

"there are some brilliant proposals and XML criticisms. There should be some place to bring those proposals, criticisms, and rants together. "

The XML community doesn't seem to have a "love it or leave it" attitude, and these sites may demonstrate how much room there is for both XML cheerleading and XML criticism.

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Re: Love-hate relationships with XML (Paul Tchistopolskii - 01:07, 10 Jan 2001)
Both websites allow you to provide a comment to the particular article you don't like.

If you can ...
Re: Love-hate relationships with XML (Paul Tchistopolskii - 00:47, 10 Jan 2001)
Both websites allow you to provide a comment to the particular article you don't like.

If you can ...
Re: Love-hate relationships with XML (G. Ken Holman - 15:10, 29 Dec 2000)
A quick glance reveals they are either unaware of, ignoring, or inventing history selectively in ord ...
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