Javadoc like tool announced for XSLT sources
11:19, 22 Dec 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Following the example shown by Sun with their Javadoc tool, Rick Maddy has announced  Xsldoc, a java tool to generate documentation from XSLT sheets.

Xsldoc appears to be based on Javadoc and shares both the command line options and the layout and structure of the generated HTML pages. The lists of classes, methods and properties generated by Javadoc are replaced by lists of stylesheets, templates and variables when using Xsldoc.

The commenting tags are the same and Xsldoc supports the declaration of deprecated templates, a feature that has been discussed at length on XML-DEV.

Although Xsldoc is available for free the details of its license are not yet finalized. Its dependency upon Javadoc could cause problems with an open source license.

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