Perl RDF framework RDFStore updated
22:57, 29 Nov 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Alberto Reggiori has announced RDFStore 0.3, updated for the latest version of the Stanford RDF API, and containing alternative "strawman" syntax serialization support.

A full list of changes are available at the RDFStore web site. Reggiori writes:

The RDF PenRDF parser has been fixed to properly run all RDF M&S examples. Concerning the discussion about uniqueness of triples and reification going on in these days, the RDFStore API associates an unique ID to each statement and represents statements as resources (internally); such unique IDs can either be used to make high order statements and serialise stored models.

RDFStore now has an eGroups mailing list for discussion about development, reporting bugs and release news.

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