Canonical XML now a Candidate Recommendation
14:21, 30 Oct 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Forwarding an email from Janet Daly, Joseph Reagle has announced that Canonical XML has been advanced to Candidate Recommendation status.

Although the document is lacking an history section and differences are not listed, a comparison between the latest WG published earlier this month and this CR doesn't reveal any significant changes --except of course in the status of the document.

As is usual for a Candidate Recommendation, the WG is calling for implementations and comments during the CR phase, which will close on November 24:

The XML Signature Working Group believes this specification incorporates the resolution of all last call issues; furthermore it considers the specification to be very stable (as demonstrated by its interoperability report) and invites further implementation feedback during this period. The duration of Candidate Recommendation will last approximately four weeks (November 24).

Related story:

New Canonical XML Working Draft

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