Linux developers more likely to use XML
19:02, 27 Sep 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

A recent survey has found that Linux users are more likely to use XML than general developers, and that their XML usage has increased by 75% over the last 6 months.

The survey of Linux developers, by Evans Data Corporation, found that over 28% of respondents are using XML today as opposed to only 16% last spring. Linux developers also take a more positive view to XML. From the press release:

In addition to a higher current use of XML, Linux developers also showed more enthusiasm towards the future of XML than that seen among general developers.
The survey contains data on the percentage of time developers spend using each language. These results reveal that 27% of Linux developers use XML up to half of their time. Developers expect an increase next year, when 36% expect to use it up to half of their time.

The survey also reported that Java usage is rising among Linux developers.

  • xmlhack has had a "Linux" category ever since it started, but the amount of stories we've run under it have been few. If you're working on a Linux XML project, feel free to get in touch to tell us about it.

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