Java framework for XML querying
21:59, 19 Sep 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Kweelt is a new Java-based framework for querying XML. It implements an engine for the Quilt XML query specification.

Created by members of the Penn Database Research Group, University of Pennsylvania, Kweelt is billed as more than just a query language implementation, but as a "reference platform to make all sort experiments related to XML: storage, optimization, benchmarking, document output, etc."

Highlights of Kweelt's features include:

  • Quilt support, satisfying all W3C query-language requirements (except namespaces)
  • Flexible backend storage. DOM and SAX adapters are included with the distribution.
  • Open source (GPL). Hosted at SourceForge.

Quilt requires Java 1.2 to run. It also comes with a processor to allow Kweelt queries to form part of a page served by Cocoon.

More information is available from the Kweelt home page.

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