RSS 1.0p in Java and Schematron
02:52, 6 Sep 2000 UTC | Gabe Beged-Dov

Brian McBride has published a tutorial on using his Jena Toolkit to process RSS 1.0p. Leigh Dodds has published an early version of a Schematron based validator for RSS 1.0p.

The Jena Toolkit

The Jena Toolkit was announced a few weeks ago by Brian McBride of HPLabs in Bristol England. The toolkit is written in Java and provides a programmer friendly interface to the RDF model. The tutorial describes how to read in an RSS 1.0p file and convert it to HTML. The source code for the tutorial is available as part of the downloadable distribution. Brian's summation (see below) also mentions Edd Dumbill's proposed change to the RSS 1.0p logical model. The tutorial (and source code) briefly describes handling of this alternative model.

The code required to manipulate RSS structures using Jena is small and intuitive. Jena easily handles the back pointers of items, images etc found in RSS 1.0p. It provides little help for handling the ordering of items in RSS 1.0p. The use of Sequences in the proposed change to RSS 1.0p enables simpler code.

Schematron for RSS 1.0p

Leigh Dodds announced the availability of a prototype RSS 1.0p Validator. The validation is done using the Schematron toolset. Leigh Dodds is also the author of the Schematron validator for RSS 0.91. An online validator is also available although it should be considered temporary as it will likely move to a more permanent location in the near future.

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Re: RSS 1.0p in Java and Schematron (dfsd - 07:00, 6 May 2003)


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