W3C releases DOM Level 3 drafts
12:53, 2 Sep 2000 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

Phillipe Le Hegaret announced the release of three parts of DOM Level 3: Core, Events, and Content Model.

The Core Specification, like its predecessors in DOM Level 1 and DOM Level 2, defines an API for creating and manipulating document content. Although this draft "defines a set of new interfaces that extend the DOM Level 2 interfaces, the current plan is not to actually add any new interfaces but instead to expand the existing ones." The Core is getting new methods for checking character encodings, whitespace, and namespaces.

The Events Specification extends the events capability provided by DOM Level 2. New events provide extra support for keystroke handling and grouping event listeners. "This specification requires the previously designed interfaces in order to be functional. It is not designed to be standalone."

The Content Models and Load and Save Specification currently contains interfaces for accessing content models - the structures described by DTDs and Schemas, not the DTDs and Schemas themselves. A separate section describing loading and saving XML documents currently contains only requirements.

Le Hegaret also noted that a "Views/Formatting" module is "not yet available."

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