SML group releases "Minimal XML" parser
13:20, 9 Apr 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Don Park of the SML-DEV group has released Min, the first processor for the group's simplified XML spec, Minimal XML.

The Java processor, which has SAX and JAXP interfaces, appears to provide fast data processing - Park writes:

On my Celeron laptop, it zips through Minimal XML files at around 6 megabytes of UTF-8 data per second and over 10 megabytes of UTF-16 data per second. Sun's XML parser parses at about 3 megabytes/sec on UTF-8 and 4 megabytes per second on UTF-16.

Also included in the distribution is a script called "minimize", which converts XML to Minimal XML. This provides a quick way to see the immediate differences between the two specifications. Park concludes his release announcement with the invitation to "give Min a spin".

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