Revised versions of XSL tutorial, XSL-FO examples
23:09, 5 Oct 1999 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Miloslav Nic has revised his popular XSL tutorial to provide a new, frame-free, interface.

The tutorial provides a comprehensive tour of the features of XSL, giving several examples for each.

The original version of the tutorial is still available, but uses frames.

  • Paul Tchistopolskii of RenderX has announced an update of XSL-FO examples on RenderX.Com's XSL FO Parade

Re: Revised versions of XSL tutorial, XSL-FO examples (Raul Wosnjuk Calaça - 15:58, 15 Feb 2002)

I'ts a Pretty good tutorial, Congratulations. In Portuguese(portugues): É um tutorial muito bom e prático! Parabéns In Japanese( Nihongo): これは大きい個人指導すなわちおめでとうである!

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