Help wanted for translating Gutenberg texts into XML
14:34, 11 Feb 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Frank Boumphrey of the HTML Writers Guild (HWG) has announced an initiative to translate Project Gutenberg texts into XML.

Project Gutenberg is an organization dedicated to recording literature in ASCII text, with almost 10,000 volumes currently marked up. The initiative to translate these ASCII texts into XML bas been dubbed "Gutenberg at HWG".

In his announcement, Boumphrey requests help from the XML community, particularly in the development of DTDs. Around 30 books have already been converted, with another 50 in progress.

Interested parties are invited to mail Frank Boumphrey at with the subject "xml-dev/gutenberg".

Re: Help wanted for translating Gutenberg texts into XML (Pierre Johnson - 07:16, 23 Jan 2002)

Why doesn't someone write a XML parser that takes all of the Gutenberg ASCII files and markup these files? I would think a coding wizard could write something like this in Python quickly enough. Let the machines do the work!

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