Call for participation in XSLT conformance
22:04, 1 Feb 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

OASIS's XML conformance committee has formed a sub-committee to address XSLT conformance. The new group will meet at XTech 2000 at the end of February.

In a message posted to the XSL list, Ken Holman announced the activity and requested input from the XSLT user community:

  1. do you have a set of XSLT test files that can be included in the test suite? (if used, the test files are identified in the suite as being yours)
  2. can you articulate any specific needs you have from an XSLT conformance test methodology and suite of test files?
  3. if you are an employee of an OASIS member company, can you directly participate in the committee work?

Previous work from the XML conformance committee has resulted in a significant contribution towards the standard of XML parser interoperability, as highlighted by the tests executed by David Brownell and published on XML.com.

Holman requests short submissions be sent by email to xsltconf@CraneSoftwrights.com, and longer submissions sent by FTP to ftp://ftp.CraneSoftwrights.com/incoming, along with an email notification.

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