gSOAP generator tools for C/C++ SOAP coding
18:08, 26 Mar 2002 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Robert van Engelen announced gSOAP 2.1, a set of tools indended to make C/C++ web services programming simple.

The toolkit only requires a C/C++ compiler and a socket library, and so will compile and run on many platforms, including Windows, Linux, Unix, Pocket PC, Mac, embedded systems.

Features include a WSDL generator, HTTPS/SSL support, IDE integration and support for all SOAP 1.1 features. According to the authors "most of the SOAP 1.2 RPC/DOC features are supported (including polymorphism and multi-dimensional sparse arrays)."

Other highlights include:

  • multi-threaded
  • small memory footprint
  • integrated automatic memory management
  • customizable fault and header processing

The authors write that gSOAP has over 600 users. Due to being written in C, gSOAP is apparently very efficient, and not significantly more difficult to use than any other SOAP implementation.

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Newest comments

gSoap is cool and we found it is very fast. We use it in our SOAP/XML Security solution:

Roboo: ...
Re: gSOAP generator tools for C/C++ SOAP coding (Janardhan - 13:22, 15 May 2003)
It seems really cool tool, but how to work with it on MacOSX. I tried since morning its not working. ...
Re: gSOAP generator tools for C/C++ SOAP coding (Varaprakash - 08:05, 11 Mar 2003)
It is very nice/interesting to know aboout the gSOAP toolkit. The document is also pretty clear. So ...
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