W3C describes existing patent policies
20:31, 25 Jan 2002 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

The W3C has published a Current Patent Practices, describing "disclosure rules, process for setting goals for the licensing terms under which Recommendations can be implemented, and a dispute resolution process in the event these goals are not met".

This document is separate from the Patent Policy Framework document which generated enormous controversy last fall:

"The patent practice described in this document represents the current state in the evolution of the Team's implementation. This document draws heavily on the work of the [Patent Policy Working Group (PPWG)], although it has not been approved by that group. Links in this document provide references to definitions and processes developed by the PPWG, and to examples of its implementation since March 2001. A final patent policy is also under development by the W3C Patent Policy Working Group. Nothing in this document will prejudice or constrain the outcome of that policy development work. The final policy will be subject to W3C Advisory Committee review and a formal decision by the Director."

This clarification of existing policy - which does "establish Royalty-Free implementation as a goal for Recommendations produced by new and re-chartered Working Groups" - should at least provide a foundation for future discussion.

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