Styler: XSLT-transformation task for Apache Ant
09:05, 12 Nov 2001 UTC | Michael Smith

Styler [download - 190Kb] is an open-source (LGPL) XSLT-transformation task (set of Java classes) developed by Arnold deVos for use with the Apache Jakarta Project's Ant build tool [1]. Styler provides some additional capabilities not found in Style (the built-in XSLT transformation task for Ant), including the ability to:

  • handle multiple transformations, in parallel or pipelined

  • enable transformations that split or merge files

  • process non-XML files, such as HTML files and Rational Rose petal (UML) files

  • apply non-XSLT transformation, including "regular fragmentations"

  • use any custom XMLReader or XMLFilter class to handle new file formats and transformation techniques

[1] Ant is a build tool, like the UNIX Make utility, but cross-platform and Java- and XML-based.

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