Internet draft proposes new media types for XML
20:58, 27 Sep 1999 UTC | Edd Dumbill

A new Internet draft, available here, was announced today by Murata Makoto.

The draft, co-authored with Simon St. Laurent, proposes the "application/xml" and "text/xml" media types for use with XML. It also proposes a scheme to achieve consistency within media types for XML-based languages such as MathML or SVG.

Under the scheme, applications would be given media types of the form "*/*-xml", e.g. "image/svg-xml" or "application/rdf-xml". Some comment is evidently expected by the authors on this convention, as they invite readers to "throw a rock on it" if they disagree!

The authors also introduce the "application/xml-dtd" media type for DTDs.

(Simon St. Laurent is a contributing editor of xmlhack)

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