Berners-Lee announces W3C XML Schema Recommendation
03:30, 2 May 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

In his WWW10 opening keynote, Tim Berners-Lee announced that W3C XML Schema (part 0, 1 and 2) is now a W3C Recommendation and should be considered as one of the foundations of XML, together with XML 1.0 and Namespaces in XML.

Placing XML Schema as an important landmark in the continuum between what has been achieved since the first WWW conference and what remains to be built, Tim Berners-Lee praised the work of the Schema Working Group under immense pressure, mentioning "alternative specifications" as one such strain.

He went on commenting that there is "life after REC," and a lot of work needed to be done on the XML foundation of XML, Namespaces and Schema, that it would need to be clarified and simplified after the many implementations and unexpected interpretations of the specification -- highlighting that updating specifications was a difficult job, and involved a lot of social and political aspects.

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