XML Encryption Activity started by the W3C
11:44, 26 Jan 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

The W3C has commenced an XML Encryption Activity, charged with specifying a data model, syntax and processing for encryption of XML content.

The Activity's web page describes its motivation:

An XML document can be secured using many of the existing cryptographic standards. However, many XML applications need to encrypt portions of XML documents such that some data can be secured, while other data is still available. Additionally, this feature needs to work with the selective signing feature of XML Signature.This is the motivation of the XML Encryption Activity.

Led by Joseph Reagle, the newly created Encryption Working Group will hold its first face to face meeting at the beginning of March. Two proposals already exist for the encryption of XML content.

The Working Group's charter defines 7 goals, including the definition of syntax and processing necessary for creating encrypted XML content, choosing an XML canonicalization method to ensure consistent decryption, and measures to ensure interoperability.

The group has a very ambitious timetable, expecting to deliver its first Working Draft in April, and be at Recommendation stage by October 2001.

Further reading:

xmlhack: developer news from the XML community

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