Holman updates training materials
19:50, 23 Jan 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Noted XSLT trainer G. Ken Holman, of Crane Softwrights, has published an improved edition of "Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath", his XSLT training materials.

The first two chapters of these materials are vailable in PDF format for evaluation. Holman also created a prose version of these two chapters, published last year on as "What is XSLT?".

The first revision for six months, the ninth edition continues to cover all XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0, as well as incorporating comments from existing users. The purchase of a license (either invididual, site-wide or world-wide) entitles the customer to perpetual free access to updates.

You can also attend one of Ken's courses at many of the upcoming XML conferences (full schedule available).

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