RELAX Namespace discussion, implementation
02:57, 30 Dec 2000 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

Although a formal specification is still in the future, Murata Makoto has posted a design memo and two examples (1 2) of RELAX Namespace, and Asami Tomoharu announced support in an alpha version of Relaxer.

RELAX Namespace specifies how developers can connect RELAX modules which specify content using different XML namespaces. RELAX Core defines how to create modules which use a single namespace.

While the RELAX Namespace specification isn't likely to be complete until March 2001, the design memo and the examples (which explore combinations of two and three namespaces) give developers a look ahead, which they can test with Relaxer:

"RELAX Namespace is designed so that interface elements (and accompanying documentation) provide enough information for creating RELAX grammars.... RELAX Namespace allow users to specify which namespace be verified. All namespaces in a document may be verified, while only some of the namespaces may be verified."

The main RELAX site also now has updated versions of the RELAX module describing RELAX Core and the RELAX module describing data types.

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