Community coverage for WWW2003
14:05, 19 May 2003 UTC | Edd Dumbill

We've set up a web site and IRC channel for attendees at the WWW2003 conference (20-24 May, Budapest) to gather virtually and make notes on the conference.

Available on the #www2003 channel of the Freenode IRC network, the "chump" bot (which creates xmlhack's own Editors' Wire) and logging bot generate a web site that will serve as a hub for attendee-created coverage of the conference.

At conferences where wireless internet access is available, there is an increasing trend for attendees to gather virtually on IRC as well as physically. Some will consider this a mixed blessing, but it can often enrich the experience of the conference as information and ideas related to the presentation topic are shared.

The WWW2003 community coverage hub was created by Edd Dumbill and Dave Beckett, and content is hosted courtesy of xmlhack and Bristol University's Institute for Learning and Research Technology.

Look out for WWW2003 coverage on xmlhack over the coming week.

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