Newswire items
Editors' Newswire for 30 May, 2003
23:59, 30 May 2003 UTC | XMLhack Editors

A collected summary of items that ran on the xmlhack newswire on 30 May, 2003.

Topologi Validating Proxy
from Uche Ogbuji at 13:16, 30 May
A tool for use with Apache Jakarta web servers. TVP uncompresses and validates incoming XML requests posted over HTTP and passes valid requests on unchanged to the server. Requests can be validated using WXS and Schematron schemas. XML containing DOCTYPE declarations are blocked and invalid requests can be logged and diverted in various ways.

Yellow Dragon Messaging 1.0 - secure and reliable messaging for Web Services and ebXML
from Uche Ogbuji at 12:24, 30 May
Yellow Dragon Messaging supports message delivery guarantee even in the event of system failure, delivery acknowledgment, duplicate message detection, PKI digital signature for encryption (through SSL) and non-repudiation, and HTTP and SMTP transports. Web site uses Flash.

"When did linking begin?"
from Uche Ogbuji at 12:19, 30 May
Bob DuCharme offers some scholarly thoughts on the origins and earliest examples of linking.
"The use of information addressing systems really got rolling in the thirteenth-century English and French universities, as scholarly monks developed concordances, subject indexes, and page numbers for both Christian religious works and the classic ancient Greek works that they learned about from their contact with the Arabic world."

Redesigning DocBook
from Michael Smith at 03:39, 30 May
Norm Walsh writes, "There comes a point in the life cycle of any system when adding one more patch is the wrong solution to every problem. Eventually, it's time to rethink, refactor, and rewrite. For DocBook, I think that time has come."
In two articles published recently on his personal website, Walsh ruminates on the current state of DocBook and speculates on its future.

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