One tree isn't enough
09:01, 4 Oct 2002 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

A well-known issue for SGML developers, overlapping structures had been brought back to light in XML terms by Patrick Durusau at several conferences including XML Europe 2002 in May, and has given birth to several proposals at eXtreme Markup 2002 in August. Two of the complementary approaches are detailed in the papers announced by Patrick Durusau and Jeni Tennison.

Just-In-Time-Trees (JITTs), developed by Patrick Durusau and Matthew Brook O'Donnell now include a revised version of the presentation made at eXtreme 2002, and a first XSLT based implementation. Durusau mentions that this proposal supports other formats than XML (including LMNL):

Note that we do not rely exclusively upon XML markup (you can simply record overlapping hierarchies in standard XML markup and then separate the trees into layers for processing) but the technique should extend to traditional SGML and concur files under SGML, LMNL, milestone/fragmentation/join, MECS/TexMECS, as well as other file formats.

Although originally intended to solve the issue of overlapping structures by extracting a structure at runtime, Elliotte Rusty Harold notes that the idea of a building trees dynamically over a document is similar to the MOE (Markup Object Events) API proposed by Simon St.Laurent and believes that it can benefit general purpose XML processing:

Just-In-Time-Trees have the potential to be as easy to use as a tree-based API like JDOM or DOM while as fast and efficient as a streaming API like SAX or XMLPULL. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the API for such a thing should look like before I work on the implementation.

Layered Markup and anNotation Language (LMNL) has been developed by Jeni Tennison, Gavin Thomas Nicol and Wendell Piez and proposes a new, non-XML, markup language that isn't defined in term of elements but in term of "ranges" which may overlap:

Enabling ranges to overlap is incredibly useful. It's often very hard to squeeze a document's structure into a neat tree, for example if you're including comments, marking up insertions and deletions or marking up text that has multiple structures such as the Bible (chapters and verses vs. sections and paragraphs). This isn't to say that tree structures are useless -- of course they're incredibly useful, not least because they're easy to process -- but they don't meet everyone's requirements.

The project, which envisions a Relax NG like schema language and a XPath like query language in its future directions, is currently finalizing its specifications before starting to develop supporting software:

The software hasn't quite caught up with the specification; we think it's important to get the specs right first

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Re: One tree isn't enough (Eric van der Vlist - 15:26, 12 Oct 2002)

Even if it's trivial to create graphs with XML, the specifications to do it in an interoperable and simple way (RDF and XLink) haven't met the success which could have been expected.

Furthermore, the two proposals mentioned in this article are to create trees dynamically at parse time (JITTs) and to define overlapping ranges over documents (LMNL) and are both only tangential to the issue of describing graphs in XML.

Re: One tree isn't enough (Anonymous Coward - 06:17, 12 Oct 2002)

It's trivial to create a graph in XML. Creating an entirely new markup language is not necessary.

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